
Can you help me with my Final Applied Lab Project forBiology103?

How can I create an experiment testing the effects of low pH onenzyme activity?

Help! I’m supposed to do an experiment, but I’m kind ofconfused. I have five test tubes, and I’m supposed to be testingthe effects of low pH on enzyme activity. I’ve chosenAmylase/banana as my enzyme and starch/potato as my substrate. (Ialso have left over starch liquid and IKI.) I was going to test thedifferent pHs by adding water (7), draino (14), soda (4), banana(5) and soda (4) to 1 cubic centimeter of a potato in each tube. Iguess I’m just not sure if I’m doing it right.

The independent variable influences the change in my dependentvariable. Is my dependent variable the potato? My independentvariable would be the water, draino, soda, banana and soda. Whatwould my control be? Thank you for your help.

Am I supposed to put 1 cubic centimeter of potato in each test tubeand then only put the banana in one test tubes with the potato orget rid of the potato and only use the banana in each test tube?Sorry, I'm confused.

Design an experiment in which you will test the effect of anacidic fluid on enzymatic activity. ID the enzyme, the substrate,the acidic fluid used as treatment, the control treatment and themethod of measuring enzyme activity, as well as explain yourexperimental protocol. You must also thoroughly explain how theacidic fluid impacted enzyme activity based on the results fromyour own experiment as well as knowledge of enzymes and pH.

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
29 Sep 2019
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