
1A Which of the following are true of plant and animal cells? (select all that apply)

Both mitochondria and chloroplasts have multiple membranes and their own DNA.

Both plant and animal cells have lysosomes used to breakdown and recycle large macromolecules.

Both plant and animal cells have a cell wall.

Animal cells cells have just mitochondria and plant cells have just chloroplasts.

Plant cells have a central vacuole while animal cells do not.

1B Which of the following is true of the cytoskeleton? (select all that apply)

The cytoskeleton is divided into three major types: micro, intermediate, and macro filaments

Microtubules help cells resist compression

Cells use actin filaments to generate tension (force).

Once assembled, the cytoskeleton does not change over the lifetime of a cell.

1C Which of the following are part of a virus? (select all that apply)



nucleic acid

lipid envelope

protein capsid

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
29 Sep 2019

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