
1. Explain HOW ATP functions as asource of cellular energy for biochemical reactions and activetransport. Detailed answer required.

2. What is the function of NAD+ andFAD in glycolysis, CAC, and ETC for ATP synthesis? Of the C, H, andO atoms of the glucose molecule, which is/are most important forATP synthesis. Explain

3. Define substrate levelphosphorylation (SLP). Why are HETCs important for ATP synthesis?What is the amount of kinetic energy required to produce onemolecule of ATP by SLP?

4. In glycolysis, why must multipleenzymatic steps occur to convert glucose to two pyruvic acidmolecules? What are high energy transfer compounds? Explain indetail why two molecules of ATP must be consumed in stage 1 ofglycolysis. What is the purpose of the atomic rearrangements inglycolysis? In stage 1 of glycolysis, what is the significance ofthe rearrangement of glucose-6-phosphate tofructose-6-phosphate?

5. What is the importance of the citric acidcycle? Why must CoA be used in this pathway?

6. Define cellular respiration(CR). What are the significant features of cellularrespiration?

Is oxygen the only terminal electron acceptor (TEA) for CR inprokaryotic cells? Explain

7. Explain the functions of theETC. What role does H+ translocation and the TEA play in

the function of the ETC? Why is the proton motive forceessential for oxidative


8. Define the proton motive force(PMF). Explain HOW the PMF provides energy for

rotary catalysis of the ATP synthase used for oxidativephosphorylation.

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
28 Sep 2019

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