
1. The nurse educator for an oncology unit is preparing an in-service presentation for new nurses about the care of patients with immunodeficiencies. Patients with cancer who are receiving chemotherapy, as well as those with bone marrow transplants, are immunocompromised and require special attention to assess for signs of infection. The nurse educator focuses on special care needs of this patient population. (Learning Objective 2)

a. What is the rationale for assessing the pulse and respiratory rates for 1 full minute in a patient with immunodeficiency?

b. What special precautions about dietary restrictions and food preparation should be included in the teaching for a patient with immunodeficiency?

c. What nursing actions should be implemented to decrease the risk of infection in the patient with immunodeficiency?

2. Josh Parsons, a 36-year-old patient diagnosed with leukemia, is immunocompromised. The patient’s absolute neutrophil count is 750. The patient has a moderate risk for infection. The nurse provides patient and family education on ways to decrease the risk for infection. (Learning Objective 3)

a. What should the nurse include in the teaching session with the patient and family?

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
28 Sep 2019
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