
Q 1 – Manx cats are produced when a dominant allele is inherited for the Manx gene (M). Inheritance of two dominant alleles, however, results in death of the fetus. Coat color in cats is determined by two alleles with incomplete dominance. BB produces black colored cats, Bb produces grey cats, and bb produces white cats. A grey Manx cat is mated with a white Manx. What proportion of the living offspring will be white Manx kittens? (3 points)

Q 2 – In goats, a beard is produced by an autosomal allele that is dominant in males and recessive in females. We’ll use the symbol Bb for the beard allele and B+ for the beardless allele. Another independently assorting autosomal allele that produces a black coat (W) is dominant over the allele for white coat (w). Give the phenotypes and their proportions expected for the following cross: B+B+Ww male × BbBbWw female (2 points)

Q 3 – E. W. Lindstrom crossed two corn plants with green seedlings and obtained the following progeny: 3583 green seedlings, 853 virescent-white seedlings, and 260 yellow seedlings.

Give the genotypes for the green, virescent-white, and yellow seedlings

Explain how color is determined in these seedlings (which genotype gives which phenotype). (3 points)

Q 4 – You are studying a gene that controls ossicone (horn) length in giraffes. The wild-type long-ossicone allele (L) is dominant to the mutant short-ossicone (l) allele. However the L allele is only 60% penetrant in both homozygotes and heterozygotes. In a population of 212 giraffes in an African nature preserve, 80 giraffes are either homozygous or heterozygous for the long ossicone allele (L). What proportion of offspring would you expect to exhibit the long ossicone phenotype? (2 points)

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
28 Sep 2019
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