
You are studying the calnexin protein, To study the calnexin protein more, you decide to mutate the amino acids KKRR found on the C-terminal end in calnexin to amino acids AAAA, to see how this might affect it’s function.

A. What is the original function of calnexin, and where does it reside? (2 pts)

B. First you test the function of calnexin in a test tube, and you find that it doesn’t lose it’s original activity. However, cells that contain only the mutated form (AAAA) of calnexin do not function correctly. Please explain (be specific) how the mutation (AAAA) is affecting Calnexin’s role in the cell. (3 pts)

C. Please explain how the mutation (AAAA) might affect other proteins that enter into the endomembrane system. (3 pts)

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
28 Sep 2019

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