
You extracted RNA from a spider leg and you quantified your RNA extraction. You got the values of:

32.5 ng/ul

1.9 = 260/280 ratio

0.2 = 260/230 ratio

Is this a “good” extraction? Why or why not? (2 pts)

Your partner did another extraction of the same spider leg and he got the values of:

20. ng/ul

1.8 = 260/280 ratio

1.8 = 260/230 ratio

Which extraction would you use for setting up a qRT-PCR (you or your partner’s)? Explain why you chose that extraction. (2 pts)

2. Explain why we used a housekeeping gene in our tomato experiment?

_What is the function of the enzyme, reverse transcriptase, and why did we use it in our RT-qPCR?

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019

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