
There are basically three different types of pathogen invasion “strategies” – extracellular, intracellular in non-phagocytes like epithelial cells, and intracellular in circulating phagocytes like Macrophages. That is, some bacteria try to remain outside of the host cells, while other bacteria and viruses get inside different types of host cells and survive there.

A. For EXTRACELLULAR pathogens, describe advantages and disadvantages of this strategy. How does our immune system detect and eliminate such pathogens? Explain two virulence factors that this sort of pathogen can use to survive in its chosen environment.

B. For pathogens that are INTRACELLULAR IN MACROPHAGES, explain how they gain access to macrophages. Describe advantages and disadvantages of this strategy. How does our immune system detect and eliminate such pathogens? Explain two virulence factors that this sort of pathogen can use to survive in its chosen environment.

C. For pathogens that are INTRACELLULAR IN EPITHELIAL CELLS, explain how they enter the epithelial cells. Describe advantages and disadvantages of this strategy. How does our immune system detect and eliminate such pathogens? Explain two virulence factors that this sort of pathogen can use to survive in its chosen environment.

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
28 Sep 2019

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