
Rumors on the internet say that the genomic DNA of Sasquatch(also known as Bigfoot) has been sequenced from some hair samplescollected in the wild! The data have not been released, but therumor is that Sasquatches are a hybrid species that arose about15,000 years ago from hybridization between modern Homo sapiens anda now-extinct great ape. If this DNA evidence proves to be accurateand reproducible - not a consequence of error or contamination – wecan assume that Sasquatches are fertile and have propagatedthemselves in the New World for hundreds of generations. Given thatour closest living relatives (Chimpanzees and Bonobos) and othergreat apes all have large chromosomal rearrangements relative tohumans, it seems unlikely that “Humanzees” or “Humobos” (if such F1hybrids ever existed) would be fertile. Please describe a plausiblescenario that explains how Sasquatches originated from a humanancestor and propagated themselves in the New World, thusovercoming the meiotic block to gamete production caused bymismatched chromosomes.

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
28 Sep 2019

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