

01. ____ Koch’s postulates can befulfilled by all known bacterial pathogens with no limitations.

02. _____ The expression of virulencefactors, like adhesion molecules, can influence the speciesspecificity and tissue tropism of the bacterial pathogen.

03. __ Non-specific adherence ofbacterial pathogens mediates strong attachment to host cells andtissues through adhesins.

04. __ Invasins are proteins that havelocal effects on host tissues and cells and promote spread of thebacterial pathogen.

05. __ Pathogenic bacteria havedeveloped a sophisticated method to directly inject bacterialproteins into target host cells called the Type III secretionsystem (T3SS).

06. __ It is not necessaryfor the eukaryotic host cell to express (transcriptionally ortranslationally) the receptor for bacterial adhesins.

07. __ The specific binding between antibody andantigen forms the basis of many important assays andtechniques.

08. __ Monoclonal antibodies areantibodies produced by a single clone of B cells, so that they areall identical and recognize the same epitope of an antigen.

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019

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