
Lab 11 Mitosis

Interphase - Chromosomes are not visible because they areuncoiled

Prophase- The chromosomes coil. The nuclear membranedisintegrates. Spindle fibers (microtubles) form. The drawing showsa cell with 8 chromosomes. Each chromosome has 2 chromatids for atotal of 16 chromatids.


Metaphase - The chromosomes become aligned. The drawing shows acell with 8 chromosomes. Each chromosome has 2 chromatids for atotal of 16 chromatids.

Anaphase- The chromatids separate; the number of chromosomesdoubles. The drawing shows a cell with 16 chromosomes. Eachchromosome has 1 chromatid for a total of 16chromatids

Telophase- The cell divides into two. The chromosomes uncoil.The nucleus reforms. The spindle apparataus disassembles. Thedrawing shows a cell with 16 chromosomes. Each chromosome has 1chromatid for a total of 16 chromatids.


1. What stage were most of the onion root p cells in? Does thismake sense?

2. As a cell grows, what happens to its surface area : volumerao? (Think of a balloon being blown up). How is this changing raonrelated to cell division?

3. What is the function of mitosis in a cell that is about todivide?

4. How accurate were your met predictions for each stage of thecell cycle?

5. Discuss one observation that you found interesting whilelooking at the onion root p cells.

6. What would happen if mitosis were uncontrolled?

for escience lab 11 bio 113

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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