
Chapter 16:Renewable Energy (Environmental Science)

1. Why is itimportant for renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels?What are the prospects for getting it done?

2. What aresome ways of converting biomass to useful energy? What is thepotential environmental impact of each?

Chapter 23:Sustainable Communities and Lifestyles (Environmental Science)

1. How didthe structure of cities begin to change after World War II? Whatfactors were responsible for that change?

2. What issmart growth? What are four smart-growth strategies that addressurban sprawl?

Chapter 13:When Heaven and Earth Are One (Biology)

1. What iskingdom work? What is not kingdom work? Do you think there isanything in between? Explain your answer.

2. Selectone cultural development and describe the good and evil forms takenby human activity in that area. Apply the concept of shalom to youranalysis.

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
28 Sep 2019
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