
Which of the following best explains why an enzyme hasn't evolvedto catalyze the following reaction as the first step ofglycolysis?

glucose + inorganic phosphate glucose-6-phosphate

a. The use of ATP is required for this step to serve as aregulatory control point.

b. The use of ATP is important because it helps keep theconcentration low. Otherwise the high [ATP] would slow glycolysistoo much through feedback inhibition.

c. The large positive ?G°' of this reaction would need to beovercome by an exceedingly high [Pi].

d. What are you talking about? That's exactly what doeshappen.

e. None of the above provide a reasonable explanation.

I know the answer is not d, but I'm not sure about the rest. Pleasehelp : )

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
28 Sep 2019

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