
1. In a tropical human population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for an autosomal locus determining the presence of pigment in the skin, the frequency of albinism (aa) is 1 in 10,000. What is the approximate frequency of the heterozygotes (Aa)? Please show your work.

2. Variation in horn length in rhinoceros beetles results from allelic variation in a single gene. Assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and determine the allelic frequencies of L1, L2 and L3, genotypic frequencies of long-horned, short-horned and absent-horned beetles in this population. Please show your work.

Genotype Phenotype N


L1/L2 LONG 7500



L2/L3 SHORT 2100

L3/L3 ABSENT 400

3. In a population of African Black Mamba snake, one locus A on chromosome 5 has been found responsible for the aggressive phenotype. It appears that the aggressive phenotype is greatly associated with the body length phenotype locus B, which present in the adjacent locus on chromosome 5. Determine the relationship between these loci using the population data given below. Are these two loci in linkage equilibrium? If not, what is the disequilibrium value for this population? Please show your work

Haplotype N

A1B1 200

A1B2 50

A2B1 100

A2B2 650

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
28 Sep 2019
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