
1. Which of the following events will most likely results in apeumothorax?
a. Fluid enters the avelous.
b. The lung collapses.
c. Air enters the alveolus.
d. air enters the intrapleural space.

2. Which of the following statements is most correct forcompliance?
a. Compliance is proportional to the elasticity of the lungparenchyma.
b. Compliance measures the how easily the lungs contract.
c. Compliance is proportional to surfactant and inverselyproportional to surface tension.
d. Compliance is proportional to volume of gas and the change inpressure.

3. Atelectasis (collapse of the lung) in prevented by
a. high surface tension of alveolar fluid.
b. high surface tension of the pleural fluid.
c. high pressure in the pleural cavities
d. none of the above.

4. As a compensatory (or reflex) mechanism, an increased in PCO2will result in
a.hyperventilation b. hypoventilation
c. no changes in ventilation d. hypercapina

5. The intrapulmonary pressure is _ than/to the barometric(atmospheric) pressure at the onset of expiration

a. more negative b. morepositive c. equal andopposite d. lesspositive

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
28 Sep 2019

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