
Enzyme Activity

1. Briefly explain the principle of spectrophotometry.

2. Which of the following statements is true about enzymes?(check all correct answers)

__ enzymes act on (are specific for) one or just a fewsubstrates

__ enzymes can be denatured (loose their tertiary/quaternarystructure and activity) by extreme conditions such as heat, high orlow pH,or presence of organic solvents

__most enzymes are DNA

__ enzymes are protein

__enzymes perform best at specific conditions of temperature, pHand salt concentration

5. Which enzymes break the following macromolecules?

Match the following with their correponding answers:

___ Nucleic acids A. proteases or proteinases such as pepsin

___ Cellulose B. none

___ Triglycerides C. lipases

___ Proteins D. amylases

___ Starch E. nucleases

6.Match the following enzymes totheir products.


___ pepsin, trypsin and other digestive proteases A.Nucleotides

___ salivary and pancreatic amylases and other enzymes B. AminoAcids

___ lipases C. Monosaccharides

___ nucleases D. fatty acids and glycerol

7. Based on experiments, what is the effect of extremeconditions of pH and temperature (boiling tube) on enzymeactivity?

8. ATP stores energy in the form of___

___ Chemical energy

___ Kinetic energy

___ Thermal energy

___ Activation energy

9. An allosteric site in anenzyme is____

__ the site where reactions occur

__ the site that binds aregulator

__ the site that binds thesubstrate

__ the site that binds the product

10. Enzymes increase the rate of reactions by making thetransition state less stable.
__ True

__ False

11. Enzymes increase the rate of reactions by placing reactingparts of the molecule in favorable positions.
__ True
__ False

12. Which of the followingis a mechanism for regulation of enzymes?

__ covalent modification

__ feedback inhibition

__ allosteric regulation

__ all of the above

13. Which of the following represents a correct order of eventsin an enzyme catalytic cycle?

1.enzyme changes shape

2.substrate binds to active site

3.substrate is converted to products

4. products are released from activesite

__ 1>2>3>4

__ 2>1>3>4

__ 3>2>1>4

__ 2>4>3>1

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019
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