
_______Column A___________________ ___________________Column B_____________________

_____ Glial Cells 1. Can be used to treat follicular B-cell lymphoma; Antibody to Fab Region

___ Helper T-Cells 2. Interspersed among columnar ciliated epithelial cells; contain macrophages

____ Avidin 3. Primary lymphoid organ

____ CD20 on B-cell leukemia 4. Ricin replacing Fc region in an anti-cancer antibody

____ Myeloid Series Cell 5. co-stimulatory molecule on APC. Binds to CD28

___ CD34 6. Can bind circulating leucocytes to endothelial linings

___ M-Cells and MALT 7. Coded for by Variable region genes and diversification and joining region genes

____ B7 8. Macrophage-like cell in the brain

____ Stromal cell 9. Isotype activating basophils and mast cells

____ Thymus 10. Macrophages in the brain

__ Erythropoetin 11. Supporting tissue for example in bone marrow

___ Heavy chain Fab Regions 12. Uses mouse CDR’s and human Fc

___ Immunotoxin 13. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Marker

____ Autologous 14. Use CD4 co-receptors and IL1 receptors to interact with activated macrophages

____ Megacaryocytes and platelets 15. Secondary lymphoid organ

____ CAM 16. Stimulates Red Blood Cell production

___ Myeloma Cell 17. From the patient her/him self

__ Humanized mouse monoclonal antibody 18. Target for Rituxin

____ Anti-idiotype antibody 19. Neutrophil

____ Cervical lymph node 20. Control blood clotting

___ Cytokines and chemokines 21. Getting out of the blood stream

____ extravasation 22. Dendritic cells in the skin

____ Langerhans cells 23. Is immortal

_____ IgE 24. Has high affinity for biotin

____ Osteoclasts 25. Signal molecules released from granules

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
28 Sep 2019

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