
Directions: Write a review on the fad diet of your choice.

1. Use the Internet to search for "fad diets." Typing "fad diets" into a search engine will only provide you with sites that comment on fad diets. You will need to find the names of fad diets and then search for those individually.
2. Review the websites you find and pick one that you consider the most interesting with enough information available to review the diet.
3. Record facts, quotations, and other information that will be useful. Utilize books, articles, and reputable online resources.
4. Write a two-page double-spaced review of the diet that outlines the name of the diet, the purpose of it, the health claims it is making, how much weight a person will lose, and any special recommendations it makes.
5. At the end of the report, write a paragraph outlining if you would recommend this diet, why or why not. Also, review what likelihood someone will succeed on this diet.

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
28 Sep 2019

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