
Chose the correct answers on one through 15(plese help)

1.A research group hypothesizes that successful infection by HIVdepends upon the expression of FSH3, a human gene. They overexpressthis gene in T cells (Which HIV normally infects) so that FSH3protein levels are very high in these cells. In other T-cells, theymutate FSH3 so that none of its encoded protein is made. They thenmeasure HIV infection rate in the control, overexpression, andmutant T cells. The three cultures are otherwise grown in the sameway.

What is the independent variable(s) in this experiment? (Selectall correct answers)

FSH3 protein levels

The medium in which cells are grown

The temperature at which cells are grown

HIV resistance of cells

Question 2

Which arises from an error in a measurement or observation?

Technical variability

Biological variability

Standard error

Standard deviation

Question 3

Use the following description of an experiment to answer thenext question.

A research group hypothesizes that successful infection by HIVdepends upon the expression of FSH3, a human gene. They overexpressthis gene in T cells (Which HIV normally infects) so that FSH3protein levels are very high in these cells. In other T-cells, theymutate FSH3 so that none of its encoded protein is made. They thenmeasure HIV infection rate in the control, overexpression, andmutant T cells. The three cultures are otherwise grown in the sameway.

What is the control group(s) in this experiment? (Select allcorrect answers)

The unaltered T cells

The medium in which cells are grown

The T cells in which FSH3 is mutated

The T cells overexpressing FSH3

Question 4

How many of the following statements are true?

I. All papers have an abstract, methods, results, and discussionsection

II. The methods always follows the introduction




Question 5

If scientific convention states that when a P value of less than0.05 is considered significant (in other words, the two groupsbeing measured are actually different), this means that: (Selectall correct answers)

If you were to repeat the experiment 100 times, there would notbe a significant difference between the groups in 5 of theexperiments

95% of all conclusions that state two groups are not differentbased on a 0.5% p-value threshold are false negatives

The groups are actually not different from each other 95% of thetime

5% of all conclusions that state two groups are different basedon a 0.5% p-value threshold are false positives

What information is typically found in the introduction sectionof a paper? (Select all that apply)

The dependent and independent variables within the study

Which areas of the field are not well understood and whatquestion the study addresses

How the main question of the paper is related to other researchin the field.

How previous work forms the basis for the current study

The purpose of the study

Details of the approaches used

A summary of relevant related studies

Question 7

How can you judge for yourself whether the conclusions reachedin a paper are valid? (Select all that apply)

Read papers of other authors studying the same question or areaof inquiry

Determine if each hypothesis is supported by different types ofevidence/approaches.

Consider closely whether the data actually both addresses andsupports the author’s hypothesis.

Examine the amount of data in the paper, and how long the paperis.

Whether the authors find a mechanism, or exactly how on variableaffects another.

Interpret the data for yourself without looking the discussion,then compare your interpretations to that of the author’s.

Question 8

Where can you usually find the institutional affiliations (wherethey work) of the authors?

Within the discussion

In the acknowledgements section

Below the authors list

This is not usually included in papers

Question 9

Other than publishing primary research articles, what is themain way scientists disseminate their results?

Lab meetings

Personal correspondence

Conference seminars

Public lectures

Question 10

Use the following description of an experiment to answer thenext question.

A research group hypothesizes that successful infection by HIVdepends upon the expression of FSH3, a human gene. They overexpressthis gene in T cells (Which HIV normally infects) so that FSH3protein levels are very high in these cells. In other T-cells, theymutate FSH3 so that none of its encoded protein is made. They thenmeasure HIV infection rate in the control, overexpression, andmutant T cells. The three cultures are otherwise grown in the sameway.

What is the experimental group(s) in this experiment? (Selectall correct answers)

Each group is its own control

The T cells overexpressing FSH3

The T cells in which FSH3 is mutated

The unaltered T cells

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
28 Sep 2019

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