

  1. What practices are of utmost importance to protect the dentalteam and patients from contamination and cross contamination?
  2. What are the 5 forms of Hepatitis? List the Incubation,Symptoms and transmission of each.
  3. Define “incubation period”
  4. What type of Hepatitis cause infection only the presence ofHBV?
  5. What type Hep. Virus are childcare providers at risk ofcontacting
  6. What type Hep. Virus is a potentially fatal bloodbornedisease?
  1. What type Hep. Virus is most commonly associated with bloodtransfusion?
  2. What type Hep. Virus is found in third world countries?
  3. HSV I lesions are found on what region of the body?
  4. HSV II lesions are found on what region of the body?
  5. What does proctitis mean?
  6. What virus is responsible for infectious mononucleosis
  7. What virus is responsible for chicken pox?
  8. VZV in adults usually manifest as _____________.
  9. Herpes is usually dormant until triggered by________________________________.
  10. Where does HSV remain dormant? EBV? VZV?
  1. XVII.Which of the herpes viruses has a mode of transmission inthe semen?
  2. XVIII.Which herpes virus is associated with Bell’s Palsy?
  3. What is the etiologic agent of syphilis? Gonorrhea?Tuberculosis?
  1. What are the 3 stages of syphilis?
  2. What is the drug of choice for treating syphilis?
  3. XXII.What is PPE an acronym for? What does it consist of?
  4. XXIII.When washing hands how long should you lather them?
  5. XXIV.Do Bar Soaps provide residual antiseptic protection?
  6. XXV.Does sanitation remove infectious agents?
  7. XXVI.What is the purpose of disinfection?
  8. XXVII.What are the five types of disinfectants?
  9. XXVIII.Which disinfectant is an immersion sterilant?
  10. XXIX.What are the 4 types of sterilization methods? List theadvantages, disadvantages, time and temperature of each.( Make aChart)

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019

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