
Life Chemistry LabReport

  1. Elements of Living Organisms
  2. Name the five most abundant elements found in the humanbody.
  1. Cells organize into tissues which work together to form
  1. What is the difference between an atom and an element?
  1. Molecules
  1. Is glucose an atom or molecule? What are the atoms inglucose?

  1. How many bonds can oxygen form?

  1. Is C6H12O6 a molecular orstructural formula? What is the name of this molecule?
  1. Based on lab, Section II, draw and label a ball and stickrepresentation of a carbon dioxide, water and ethyl alcoholmolecule. Use circles to designate atoms and lines for bonds, thenindicate the chemical symbol for each atom. Sign, date and preparean image of your drawing and include it with this lab report.
  1. Molecular Make Up of Living Organisms
  1. Name the four groups of organic molecules.
  1. _______ are the most abundant organic molecules in livingorganisms.
  1. Name a polysaccharide, monosaccharide, protein and alipid.
  1. Go to the lab, Section 3, Exercises 2, 3, 4 and 5 to completethe following table:

Type of Organic Molecule


Sample Tested

Positive Color

Negative Color

Carbohydrate (starch)



Benedict’s solution

Lipid (fat)

Sudan IV



  1. Go to the lab, Section 3, Exercise 6 to locate starch in potatocells. Describe the microscopic appearance of starch in terms ofcolor and location within the cells.

  1. Measurement of pH
  1. What substance has an equal number of hydrogen ions(H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-)?

  1. What is the pH of the above substance?

  1. How does the addition of hydroxide ions (OH-) affectthe pH of your stomach?

  1. Go to lab, Section 4, Exercise 7 to test the pH of commonsolutions. Which solution tested had a pH closest to neutral? Whichsolution was most acidic?

Summary Questions

  1. What is the smallest subunit of carbohydrates?

  1. Which reagent could be used to test for diabetes?

  1. A member of your family has a high blood cholesterol count. Yousee “fat free” crackers in the grocery store and decide to test theproduct for the presence of lipids. How would this testproceed?

  1. A family member has been cautioned about eating foods high insugar. Explain how a test could be run for the presence ofsugar.

  1. Explain how to test for the presence of protein in milk.

  1. A friend complains of stomach acidity. Which substance testedmight safely help relieve your friend’s symptoms?

  1. Explain how solutions are classified as acids or bases. Then,give an example of a weak acid.

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
29 Sep 2019

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