
Robert had always heard that eating cheese before bedtime causednightmares. He decided to use the scientific method to see if thiswas true. He formed a hypothesis; “Does cheese cause nightmares?”He recruited nine members of his family (parents, siblings, oneuncle, and three cousins) and asked them to participate for oneweek. He made the following conditions; participants either had toeat cheese before bedtime (the experimental group) or not eatcheese (control group). He provided each participant with anotebook and pencil to keep next to their bed, to record if theywoke in the middle of the night from a nightmare. After one week hefound that of the 9 participants four, including Robert, had hadnightmares during the week, all of them had eaten cheese theevening before.

Has Robert proved that cheese causesnightmares?

Critically evaluate Roberts experiment. Identify fourflaws in his experimental design. For eachmake a suggestion as to how his experimentcould be improved.

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
29 Sep 2019

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