29 Apr 2019


Define: physiology, homeostasis, dynamic constancy, variable,range.

What are the four requirements for a feedback loop? Be able toexplain their role in feedback loops.

What is a negative feedback loop? What is a positive feedbackloop? Be able to give an example of each type of feedback loop.What is dynamic constancy?

Why are negative feedback loops preferentially used to maintainhomeostasis?

Why are antagonistic feedback processes used for negativefeedback loops?

Compare and contrast the two main regulatory mechanisms forhomeostasis (endocrine and nervous systems).

Know the organ systems and their functions and the differencesbetween exocrine and endocrine glands. This is more of a “keepthese in mind” rather than something that will be tested onLE#1.

What is the Law of Mass Balance?

How is blood glucose regulated?


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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
30 Apr 2019

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