26 May 2018

Jim, the research assistant, has taken a job in Tasmania. He is working with a group of scientists who are monitoring a colony of Short-tailed Shearwaters (Puffinus tenuirostris) in the north west wilderness. These birds are also called ‘mutton birds’. These birds nest in 1m long burrows set in the sand dunes.The team is interested in the biological organisms impacting the birds and their environment.

The team initially spent some time studying the birds themselves. The birds produce a lot of oil which has some commercial value. Jim studied the composition of the oil. There was considerable amounts of a lipid that was found to be glycerol molecules attached to three long chain fatty acids and were therefore identified as __________ The purified oil was solid at room temperature (~20oC) and therefore it was not surprising that the fatty acids chains were highly _________________. The oil also contained other lipids e.g. ___________

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
27 May 2018

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