12 Sep 2018

Fill in the blank in the following table:

metabolic cycle location pro/ eukaryote components substrates products pathway purpose
embden- meyerhof- parnas (glycolysis) cytoplasm/ cytoplasm 10 enzymes
pentose phosphate pathway cytoplasm/ cytoplasm

dozen enzyme

1 Glucose (6 carbon), 1 NADP, 1ATP 1 Ribose-P (5 carbon) + 1CO2, 1NADPH, or sugars, 1 ADP Nucleotide synthesis, NADPH for anabolism
PDH reaction

cytoplasm/ mitochondria matrix

TCA/ Krebs/ citric acid cycle generation of high energy electron carriers, provide metabolic precursors
Electron transport chain + ATP synthase (aerobic respiration)
Electron transport chain + ATP synthase (anaerobic respiration) 1Nitrate or sulfate or CO2, 1NADH + ____ ADP Or 1FADH2+ ____ ADP N2, or NO2 or H2S or CH4 1NAD + ____ ATP Or 1FADH2+ ____ ATP Generate proton motive forces abd use to generate ATP regenerate NAD+
Fermentation cytoplasm/ cytoplasm 1 or more enzymes (vary by organism) 1 pyruvate, 1 NADH 1 alcohol or acid (maybe 1 CO2) NAD+ Regenerate NAD+

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
14 Sep 2018
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