9 May 2019

Evolution is change over ____________. Why is evolution an important concept in biology?

What is a population? How can you identify a population in nature?

What is the ultimate source of random variation in a population? Is this the only source of variation, why or why not?

What is a gene pool? Why is it important to our study of evolution?

How is variation inherited in a population? HINT: There are at least two main contributors to this variation. You should be focusing on gametes!

What is microevolution versus macroevolution?

How do the peppered moths show us microevolution in nature? Why is this NOT macroevolution? HINT: you should consider alleles and mating in your answer.

Do you believe that the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is common in nature? Why or why not? In your answer, you should incorporate your knowledge of populations, evolution, and genetics.

Evolution is driven by adaptation and natural selection. In populations, we refer to organisms that are “most fit.” Explain how evolution and the environment would result in organisms that are “most fit.” In your answer, indicate whether the “most fit” organism today is likely to be the “most fit” organism in the future and why.

Microevolution is a change in the frequency of ___________________ in a population but has not resulted in a speciation event thus far. Given this, what factors could lead to a speciation event for this population?

How would you know that a population had divided into two different species (macroevolution)? How could you test for a speciation event experimentally?

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
10 May 2019
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