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Seth A Gitter

Verified Documents for Seth A Gitter

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Cognitive Revolution, Radical Behaviorism, Edward B. Titchener
The brain: neurological and physiological processes: nerve cells, neurons, neurotransmitters, the mindset of what the brain does , test for pulse, temp
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Empiricism, Scientific Method, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Neurological and physiological processes: nerve cells, neurons, neurotransmitters, test for pulse, temperature, respirator, etc. Behavior: actions that
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Radical Behaviorism, Cognitive Revolution, Loch Ness Monster
John stuart mill 1843 a system of logic end of pre-scientific era: move from speculation to scientific inquiry. The structuralists: wilhelm wundt: 1st
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., The American Soldier, Scientific Method
Proverbs: theories on how/why things happen in the world around us. Birds of a feather flock togeather & opposites attract. Two heads are better th
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Scientific Method, Therapeutic Touch, Confirmation Bias
While it is understood that you have most likely seen, discussed, and applied the scientific method this is that same method but tailored more to this
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Stratified Sampling, Response Bias
Random sampling: each individual in the population has an equal chance of taking part in the study (race, gender, socio-economic taken into account: al
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Multiple Correlation, Dependent And Independent Variables
Keep in mind correlations do not provide causation . Example: violent video game play is associated with aggression: directionality problem. Aggressive
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Myelin, Reuptake, Resting Potential
Neurons: basic building block of the neurological system, 100 billion neurons. Each can connect to up to 50,000 other neurons in the: anatomy of the ne
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Axon Terminal, Fluoxetine, Reuptake
Autoreceptors: detect and regulate levels of neurotransmitters in the synapse, receptors on terminal buttons tell sender neurons to stop sending neurot
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Central Sulcus, Hypothalamus, Angular Gyrus
Brainstem: manages basic functions (influences activation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, medulla. Regulates heartrate and breathing
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Anatomical Terms Of Location, Olfactory Bulb, Detection Theory
Left and right hemispheres: specialize in different things. Control and receive input from the opposite side of the body. For vision, sense of touch, r
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Fall 2018 Lecture 14 - Retina, Cornea, Sclera
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Fall 2018 Lecture 15 - Thalamus, Vivid (band), Umami
Produce an reversed image: left is right, top is bottom. Composed of rods and cones: rods. See in grey scale and in greater detail. Why things seemed d
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Kerning, Gestalt Psychology, Cyan
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Depth Perception, Ponzo Illusion, Retina
Relative size: naturally occurring effect that objects that are further away take up a smaller portion of our retina than objects that are closer. Tric
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Classical Conditioning, Contiguity
Its easier to condition some things than others. How close in time and space the stimulus appears the easier it is to associate: short contiguity. Pair
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Operant Conditioning, Electric Shock, Ibuprofen
Punishments: uses consequences to strengthen behavior; more likely, intense, last longer, uses consequences to discourage behavior; less likely, intens
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Observational Learning, Sex Doll, Albert Bandura
Some behaviors are too complex to expect the target to do randomly. Shaping: successive reinforcement of the desired behavior. Continue reinforcing, sl
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Short-Term Memory, Sensory Memory, Central Nervous System
Any indication that learning has persisted over time: as long as it lasts for some period of time it indicates memory (no matter how short the retentio
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Arcuate Fasciculus, The Cocktail Party, Internal Monologue
The boss of working memory: the other three are supporting, filters information picks out what information is important. Responsible for information ab
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Long-Term Memory, Episodic Memory
Effortlessly, quickly, and efficiently gets information into long term. Just like automatic processing: doesn"t require awareness memory, not great wit
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 28: Itch, Loss Aversion
Psyc2010 lecture 28 cognitive component of emotion. Attribution theory of emotion: test of the theory. Inject with placebo (saline no side effect) Plac
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 29: Counterfactual Conditional, Operant Conditioning, Ghrelin
People who are serial cheaters don"t lack the emotion guilt, but they make excuses for themselves to cope. People who cheat once will experience guilt
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 31: Iceberg, Unconscious Mind, Preconscious
Unconscious mind: current stream of consciousness (current processing, information and processes (outside of awareness), easily brought into, memories,
PSYC 2010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 32: Trait Theory, Extraversion And Introversion, Agreeableness
Traits: stable characteristics patterns of behavior. Traits can be biologically based: extroversion/introversion. Traits along a continuum: some at the