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Louis Magguilli

Verified Documents for Louis Magguilli

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture 1: Cs1032A-Lecture Notes1
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Usability
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture 1: Class #1 - Sept 11th
Computers were introduced into business in 1981 with ibm (37 years ago) Business any endeavor or enterprise that achieves a goal through the effort of
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Unique Key, Relational Database, Foreign Key
Relational database: groups of data are related to each other in a meaningful way. Data hierarchy : bytes or characters fields or columns records or ro
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Foreign Key, Relational Database, Cardinality
A collection of data used for storing and grouping. Relational database: groups of data are related to each other in a meaningful way. A database: self
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture 2: Cs1032A- E-R symbols
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Database, Database Application, Content Management
Presentations, web pages, text from blogs and discussion boards, graphics, video files, audio files. Challenge is not collecting, but distributing and
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture 3: Cs1032A-DATA BASE
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Data Quality
Information is output and data is input: data is output and information is input b, data is meaningful bits of information, there is no difference. Dat
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Supply Chain, Business Process, Value Chain
Getting less and less as time goes on. The goal of business is simply to survive. Both are based on a simple concept: margin. At the end of every year,
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Qwerty, Eniac
Deficits: - a number of companies became involved in the computer industry" - eckert and mauchly, the developers of the eniac started working on the ne
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Data Quality
Data that has been organized and processed to be meaningful to a person (or other information system) who (or which) will use it. Inferred from informa
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Parity Bit, Carriage Return
Make the on"s and off"s (1"s and 0"s) mean something. Develop a code that uses 1s and 0s. Make the ons and offs (1s and 0s) mean something. American st
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Vulcanization, Xml, Computer Language
Product implementations: create a new product or service, enhance products or services, differentiate products or services. System implementations: loc
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Cost Leadership
The goal of a business is simply to survive. Both are based on a single concept: margin. Efficiency describes how much output you get from each unit of
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Data Type, Foreign Key
Compsci 1032 - lecture 7 - access tutorial. Enter access and create a blank database. Will default to tab view - there is also design view, where we ca
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Supplier Relationship Management, Information System, Business Process
Enables companies to efficiently handle the flow of goods from suppliers to. If production is scheduled to increase: order more raw materials. Supplier
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture 8: Computer Science 1032 - Lecture 8 - Information Systems in Business
Computer science 1032 - lecture 8 - information systems in business. Job of business is to first survive and then succeed. Need to know where all money
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture 8: Computer Science 1032 - Lecture 7 - Information Systems in Business
Computer science 1032 - lecture 7 - information systems in business. Job of business is to first survive and then succeed. Need to know where all money
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Business Process, Enterprise Application Integration
Once you establish your business you will have to hire other people for certain tasks such as marketing, accounting etc. As the business owner and mana
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Xml, Electronic Data Interchange, Railways Act 1921
Data exchange, just like phone, paper, email, etc. Electronic data interchange (edi) extensible markup language (xml) - type of edi. Data transport mec
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture 9: Comp Sci 1032, Lecture #9, E-Business and SQL
Web 1. 0 was just a flat sheet and web 2. 0 became interactive . Recognizes the importance of the user as a part of the system. Fun fact: 25% of all in
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Business Intelligence, Social Capital, Linkedin
Business literature defines three types of capital. The investment of resources for future profit (equipment, vehicles, etc) The investment in human kn
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Information System, Spreadsheet, Data Mining
The way you make correct decisions is by using information. You cannot have an information system without data. Information systems provide the informa
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Computer Virus, Ransomware, Adware
For the majority of technical positions, knowledge of business increases your marketability. A dual major can open up your opportunities. Stealing, mis
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Iceberg, Vulcanization, Coffee Cup
Computer science 1032 - lecture 12 - information systems and supply chain. Finishing slideshow from october 2 - is in business. Cost leader - activitie
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Xml
Compsci 1032 - lecture 13 - xml and xsd. Blueprint for xml document - tells users exactly how to input and format document. Has to be well-formed (synt
Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Systems Development Life Cycle, Group Dynamics, Intellectual Capital
Four methods for acquiring software applications: buy it and use it. Make sure that it satisfies the original need: buy it and customize it. Involves a