CHEM 1127Q Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Ideal Gas Law, Microsoft Powerpoint, Boiling Point

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Science is the art of predicting the future. (prof. barshay) What we know and understand can help us predict what will happen when we do certain things. For example, because of newton"s law about inertia, we know that if we roll a ball down a ramp, it should continue to roll, given no other limiting factors. Science is about probability (what is most likely to happen and/or be true), not absolute truths and certainty. We don"t believe anything, we just use it. (prof. barshay) New research that seems to constantly disprove prior research, it"s not about scientists not knowing what they"re doing, it"s about what provides the best evidence that something is true. Science is based on observation and experimentation (empirical evidence) [from the lecture powerpoint] Hypothesis : an explanation for a phenomenon which is either provable or disprovable by. Not meant to be permanent, just tentative. But they can be shown to be true, perhaps with some modification.