CHEM 1127Q Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Every Saturday Night, Q Center, Gas Balloon

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Chem 1127q - lecture 1 - general overview: things we will cover in this course. To the scientist, a theory is the highest form of explanation for why things happen. Newton had his laws to define how things happen. Einstein had his theories to explain why. Not the furry creature, but a number of how much of something we have, like how a dozen eggs is 12 eggs, a mole is about 6. 022 x 10 23 eggs. Barshay"s 5 ways of recognizing a chemist: They are familiar with the mole concept. They walk into a bathroom and wash their hands first :) They know the difference between unionized and unionized. They carry periodic charts around with them. How many tennis racquets you have limits how many tennis matches you can have (each individual player needs a tennis racquet) Teachers don"t sweat, we perspire . (prof. barshay) A food calorie and a science calorie are not the same thing.