BIO SCI 93 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Germ Cell, Polarity In Embryogenesis, Blastocoel

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BIO SCI 93 Full Course Notes
BIO SCI 93 Full Course Notes
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Embryonic development complicated, but cells go through differentiation and morphogenesis. Cytoplasmic determinants determine fate of embryonic cells. Cleavage followed by gastrulation (cells organized into 3 germ layers: ectoderm/mesoderm/endoderm) Rapid cell division to become a multicellular organism without growth! Skip g1 and g2; only goes through s and m ! Breaks cytoplasm of one huge cell into smaller cells known as blastomeres. A ball of cells with a fluid filled cavity known as a. Differences in distribution create differences in appearance/ patterns of cleavage. Vegetal pole (bottom) has more yolk than animal pole (top) The movement of cells from blastula surface to interior of embryo. Epithelial lining of digestive tract and associated organs. Epithelial lining of respiratory, excretory, and reproductive tracts/ ducts. Various regions of germ layers develop into rudimentary organs. Neural plates neural tubes brain/ spinal cord. Neural plates neural crest cells parts of teeth, nerves, bones, etc. Process by which cells become specialized in structure and function.