BIO SCI 38 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Dactinomycin, Synaptic Plasticity, Anisomycin

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11 Jan 2020

Document Summary

It activates several signal transduction proteins and pathways. 1) allow restructuring of the postsynaptic density (psd) 2) insertion of new ampa receptors into the psd. 3) activation of local translation at the dendrite to make new proteins. 4) stabilization of synaptic changes involving structural proteins like actin. 5) tagging the synapse for delivery of new plasticity mrnas and proteins from the cell body. New gene expression is required to stabilize ltp. This gene expression occurs in two waves: 1)the first involves translation of pre-existing mrnas at dendritic spines. 2)the second requires transcription of new mrnas, which then get translated at active synapses. Consolidation of both ltp & long-term memory require new gene expression. Ltp involves synaptic structural changes that require synthesis of specific new genes. Ltp requires translation and transcription, just like long-term memory. Anisomycin: blocks translation (converting mrna to protein) Actinomycin d: blocks transcription (converting dna to mrna) Note: these drugs do not block ltp induction, only its maintenance.