BIO SCI 38 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Signal Transduction, Red Color, Oligonucleotide

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11 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Activated by cell activity, such as the cell firing seen in hippocampal. A limited number of genes are iegs and sensitive to neural activity state. Can be blocked by blocking nmda receptors with antagonist drugs. Calcium entry through the nmda receptor needed for ieg transcription. Transcription factors such as creb switch on transcription of iegs. Iegs work with other constitutively expressed genes to make recent synaptic changes stable and long-lasting. Several iegs, including arc, have been shown to be critical for stabilizing ltp and allowing recently learning information to be converted into long-term memory. Activity-regulated, cytoskeletal associated protein (arc ) is a key protein for ltp. Arc protein is an immediate-early gene (ieg) a gene that is transcribed rapidly in response to strong synaptic activity because its transcription does not require the prior translation of some other protein. Arc mrna is quickly transported precisely to the regions of synaptic activity that initiated the transcription signal.