BIO SCI 35 Lecture 4: BIO 35 - Lecture 4 - Vision (cont.) / Can you hear me now: Hearing and Vertigo

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The man who mistook his wife for a hat. More blood flow to the fusiform face area . Pictures with no face or an emoji face have intermediate activation and the pictures with a full face have best activation. Have one cell that"s responsible for your grandmother and one cell responsible for grandfather. Notes attributes like hair color, hair line, eye shape. Codes in all different attributes that feed into different cells. Multiple cells in order to code a feature/face. Which scheme is more efficient: grandmother cell; population coding, population coding; grandmother cell, grandmother cell, population coding. If, for example, you already have the cell that recognizes blue eyes, it"s more efficient to reuse it when you meet somebody else. Map where neurons tuned to similar sound frequencies are located adjacent to one another. High sound frequencies cause maximal vibrations of the basilar membrane near the cochlea"s base.