BIO 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Radula, Myriapoda, Biological Pest Control

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Protostomes: trait loss is common: the protostome common ancestor had a coelom, but body cavity forms have undergone modifications, some lineages have lost the coelom and reverted to an acoelomate state. Protostomes: many sexual modes: sex differences are character states that are gained and lost repeatedly in plants, fungi, and animals. Individuals with both sexes (plants, animals) separate sexes (plants, animals), or no clearly distinguishable sexes (fungi) occur in most lineages on the tree of life. Polychaetes (not a single clade) are mostly marine burrow in soft sediments. They have one or more pairs of tentacles for prey capture or suspension feeding. Parapodia on each segment are extensions of the body wall; they function in gas exchange and sometimes for movement. Protostomes: annelids: leeches: leeches also lack parapodia and tentacles, coelom is not divided into compartments, segments at either end are modified to form suckers- temporary anchors that aid in movement, are freshwater and terrestrial.