BIO220H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Phenotypic Plasticity, Reaction Norm, Drug Resistance

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Where phenotype comes from: genes, environment and behaviour. Evolutionary explanations for behaviours: the evolution of sexual differences & sexual interactions. Thinking about evolutionary explanations for dramatic differences: cooperation & conflict. Behaviours that potentially harm to the organism itself conflict with evolution. Why organisms are in conflict: extended phenotypes. Thinking about genes having effects outside of the organism that harbours those genes: the evolution of disease. Applying evolutionary thinking to some of the most pressing problems of our time. Vaccines: products of evolution: the evolution of senescence. Genes, environment and behaviour: genes and environment influence phenotypes including behaviours, natural selection shapes behaviours. Environmental effects on trait values can be described as plasticity ; plasticity can be adaptive (but isn"t always) The influence of genes and environment can be visualized with plots of the reaction norm : natural selection shapes the reaction norm (*visualize plasticity) Ultimate causes proximate causes: how do mechanisms within an animal work to produce a p.