BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Mendelian Inheritance, Special Creation, Intelligent Design

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Review from high school that you should know - basic mendelian genetics. Theory of evolution is the important central idea that unifies biology. It influences many other areas of scientific knowledge. It is an extremely influential concept in science. Evolution challenges the view of special creation and intelligent design. Important conclusions about evolution that have been proven by scientific study. Lineages split or branch resulting in speciation and the diversity of life. Mutations lead to adaptations that allow for some members of a species to be better suited for its environment. Biodiversity: the variety of life on earth; the number and kinds of living organisms in a given area. An organism becomes better fitted through natural selection for its environment. (wright, lecture 1, slide 19) All species living today share a common ancestor! Macroevolution: evolutionary history, how organisms have changed. Determine the evolutionary relationships (common ancestry) of organisms. Comparative data and information from the fields of.