BIO153H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Cellular Respiration, Archaea, Spirochaete

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Biology Lecture 5
Bacteria and Archaea have a profound impact on humans and global ecosystems. A few
bacteria cause infectious diseases, some bacterial and archaeal species can clean up
pollution, photosynthetic bacteria created the oxygen atmosphere, and Bacteria and
Archaea cycle nutrients through every environment.
Bacteria and Archaea have been evolving for billions of years and are extremely
sophisticated organisms. Although they are small and relatively simple morphologically,
they live in virtually every habitat known and use remarkably diverse types of
compounds in cellular respiration and fermentation.
Metabolic Diversity
o Recognize the present bacteria (wide range of pathway)
o Limited genetic diversity=closer to extinction
o Positive and negative strains of bacteria
Genetic Diversity
o 1. transfer of plasmids (conjugation)
o 2. take up raw DNA from environment (transformation)
o eg: hot spring dwelling bacterium, picks up genes from cells in ame environment
o Superbugs, because of our fear
Conjugation of Plasmids
o 3. may acquire genes via virus infection (transduction)
o 4. parasite may acquire host genes:
Gram Positive and Gram Negative
o Spirochetes
o Protoebacteria
o Archea Are Monophykectics
Ecoli in our intestines
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