BIO 2135 Lecture 6: BIO2135-(6)-Mollusca

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Lophotrochozoa: either presence of a u shaped gut and lophophore or, trochophore larval stage. Animal innovations (apomorphies: schizocoel, and cavity metanephridia filtering coelomic fluid, dorsal heart and pericardial. Mollusca: radula, dorsal mantle, calcerous spicules or shells, ventral ciliated muscular foot, retractor muscles, tetraneural nervous system. Symplesiomorphies: shell glands in mantle produce a solid shell, mantle surrounds viscera, digestive glands, rippling of muscular foot. Symplesiomorphies: univalve shell, periostracum, prismatic and nacreous shell layers, mantle margin trilobed, crystalline style. Symplesiomorphies: visceral mass elongated on dorsal-ventral axis, coiled shell, well defined head. Gastropoda (autapomorphies: torsion, concentration of visceral mass, asymetric body plan. Cephalopoda (autapomorphies: closed circulatory system, ink sac, modifications of the foot, beak-like jaw, cartilaginous brain case. Symplesiomorphies: modifications for a sedentary life, digging foot, mantle and shell surrounds entire body. Bivalvia (autapomorphies: loss of radula, lateral compression of the body, ctenidia and mantle cavity specialized for filter feeding.