BIO 2133 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Petri Dish, Genotype Frequency, Ascocarp

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Document Summary

In this laboratory, you will assess and use an excel spreadsheet that was pre-programmed to simulate the evolutionary impact natural selection and other factors that may influence the genetic balance of populations. The examination of the mathematical equations used to simulate evolution will give you the opportunity to appreciate and understand how the simulation results are obtained. You will also analyze the results of a class survey to assess the extent by which the values of some of your parents" traits (height, weight, shoe size and exercise intensity) have determined your own values. You will finally inoculate petri plates with fungal strains in preparation for laboratory 3. Pre-lab activities: complete the online survey to gather information on height, shoe size and exercise intensity of your self and both of your parents. Pre-laboratory quiz 2 covers the information discussed in the full part 1 and the introduction of part 2 and part 3 of the present document.