BIO 1140 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Homeostasis, Gluconeogenesis, Phosphatidylinositol

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If cells receive gibberish signals it will be ignored. A perfect formulated message can be useless if theres no receptors on the cell. Q: the target issues for steroid hormones do not have receptors on the membrane surface for these hormones, bcause these hormones: A: are soluble in the lipid bilayer: chemical messengers (6 classes) Enter the cell and will act as transcripion factors directly express on the genes (turning on / of) **we only need to idenify steroids (the 4 rings) Most are hydrophilic (reserve pool in vesicles) Many nt are amines e. g. epinephrine, histamine, gaba, and . Thyroid hormones (they are hydrophobic) produced in demand since it will be difused out of vesicles. Derived from nitrogenous bases adenine or guanine. Need a transporter or can use exocytosis. Direct & indirect paths (e. g. no, o2, co etc) Q: neural acivity involves transmission of informaion via ____; in contrast, endocrine acivity involves transmission of informaion via ____.