BIOS1301 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Drainage Basin, Sustainable Seafood, Coltan

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BIOS1301 Ecology and Sustainability Part 8
LEC 17:
Role of Zoo's for conservation
The main objectives for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity
o Conversation of biodiversity
o Sustainability of use of biodiversity components
o Fair and equal sharing of benefits from using genetic resources
Coservatio: protection, management, restoration and enhancement of the
atural eviroet
What is the role of a zoo in modern society?
o Education
o Awareness to conservation and sustainability
o Captive breeding
o Wildlife disease research
o Raise money to sponsor research projects out in the field
o Grants, partnerships
Community campaigns:
o Raise your palm sustainable palm oil
o The’re allig o ou – reduce coltan mining
o Beads for wildlife reduce grazing pressure
o Fish for good sustainable seafood
Q. What are the main objectives a zoo will look for in a research project?
R. High feasibility in succeeding, efficiency, conservation value (most impact)
LEC 18:
Conservation policy and management
Case Study:
o 2018 Federal Budget (ABC 8/5/18)
o Environmental issues:
Threatening processes: habitat loss and degradation, climate
change, pollution, invasive species, overharvesting, disease.
o Budget on environment:
Great Barrier Reef - $500 million
Department of the Environment and Energy job cut by a third in
conservation and biodiversity
o Policy and management:
Federal funding critical
Investment in delirious subsidies and developments
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