GEOG 1070 Study Guide - Final Guide: Land Degradation, Contour Plowing, Crop Residue

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Main causes: what are the main causes: natural extinction-natural selection, creates background, human causes, land-use change. Habitat destruction-leads to extinction because all population leaves. Habitat fragmentation-if species requires large area, extirpation occurs: overexploitation-harvesting species for food or profit at rates faster than they can reproduce; ex. Acid rain, ozone depletion, nutrient pollution: invasive species-grow and replace native species, species more vulnerable if restricted range, large territory, low reproduction, threatened by humans. Endangered species act (esa)-regulation of species and recovery plans. Convention for biological diversity-inventories biodiversity and promotes conservation. Cites-halts trade of threatened and endangered species: conservation/management. Ex situ-in zoos, do captive breeding, reintroduce into wild. Land degradation-deterioration of the productive capacity of the land, vegetation/biomass, soil nutrients. Desertification-type of land degradation where suitable land degrades into non-productive desert. Causes: what factors drive land degradation: natural/physical causes: extreme weather, deforestation, poor agricultural practices. Lead to : all these forms of land degradation.