BIOS 2400 Study Guide - Final Guide: Adrenal Medulla, Adrenal Cortex, Posterior Pituitary

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Bios 2400 final exam review cheat sheet card. Resting membrane potential close to =brium for k+ 70 -55, na+ in; +30 k+ out -85 -70. Thyroxine: in. heart rate, bulging eye, weight loss. Hearing: corti vest nerve medulla/pons i. coll thal temporal. Sight: optic nerve chiasma lateral geniculate nucleus of thal occipital. Myosin: cross bridge: actin binding site, atpase site. Na+ in (dep), ca2+ in (dep and plateau), k+ out (rep) Arterial bp influenced by: vasoconstriction, cardiac rate, cardiac output. Raas: aldosterone causes retention (inc. blood vol. vasocon. Anp: dec. h2o reabsorption, inc. urine, decrease blood volume. Antibodies: igg (most), iga (secretions), igd (b-cell), igm (b-cell, agglutination), ige (allergies) Gas exchange at systemic arteries: cl- in rbc, hco3 out into plasma. Chemoreceptors in medulla detect ph change in csf. Luteal: 15-28, follicle corpus luteum (estradiol & progesterone stop lh/fsh) Implant blastocyst (6 days): chorionic gonadotropin= no period (stops 10th week)