PHIS 206 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Thyroid, Luteinizing Hormone, Diabetes Insipidus

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Post. Pit. Hormones:
Vasopressin (ADH) - Release when body too salty (hyperosmotic)  sensor in
-conserves water ( reabsorption),  blood pressure (vasoconstriction)  goes to nephrons in
kidneys + arterioles in body
-hypersecrete: SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate ADH)
-hyposecrete: diabetes insipidus
Oxytocin - release by suckling breast, pressure on uterine cervix, bonding behaviors
(‘cuddling hormone’), orgasm (pos feedback),
-cause milk letdown from lactating breast, uterine contraction  pitocin (synthetic oxytocin to
induce labor)
Ant. Pit. Hormones:
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH or thyrotropin) - tropic
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH or corticotropin) - tropic
Growth hormone (GH) - trophic  stimulates hypertrophy and hyperplasia
- GH in adulthood = acromegaly
Luteinizing hormone (LH) - tropic + trophic*
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) - tropic + trophic*
Prolactin (PRL) - trophic - release during pregnancy, sexual activity, ovulation, a fed
state, many other
-leads to breast development, milk production, suppress sex hormone levels, many more
-Hypersecretion: can’t lactate; hypersecrete: too much milk, less libido, infertility, abnormal male
breast development
Thyroid hormone (thyroid gland) - -T3+T4 (90%T4,10%T3; T3=4X power as T4)
-metabolic rate + heat prod.
-HR, contractile force, cardiac output
-need for proper function + secretion of GH and IGF-I
-not essential, improves quality of life
Hypothyroidism (most commonly caused by iodine deficiency) - cold intolerance, fatigue,
constipation, weight gain, depression
Hyperthyroidism (excess TSH or similar/overstimulation of thyroid gland) - heat
intolerance, nervousness, diarrhea, weight loss, anxiety
Calcium Regulation Hormones
Parathyroid Hormone (release triggered by low blood Ca+)
  blood Ca+
  bone resorption (breakdown) by  osteoclast activity;  Ca+ reabsorption by kidney;  Ca+
absorption in intestine (through Vita.D activation)
Calcitonin (parafollicular cells of thyroid; release b/c  blood calcium)
  blood Ca+
 inhibit osteoclast activity, inhibit Ca+ reabsorption (antagonistic to PTH actions)
↑itamin D (skin, liver, kidney  form proper vit.D)
-facilitate Ca+ absorption from diet
Adrenal Hormones
-z. Glomerulosa: mineralocorticoid
 aldosterone (sodium retention, potassium excretion; controlled by RAA system in resp. to
BP; hyper-Na levels, K levels,  BP; hypo-BP hormone essential for life)
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Document Summary

Hormones: vasopressin (adh) - release when body too salty (hyperosmotic) (cid:314) sensor in hypothalamus. Conserves water ((cid:313) reabsorption), (cid:313) blood pressure (vasoconstriction) (cid:314) goes to nephrons in kidneys + arterioles in body. Hyposecrete: diabetes insipidus: oxytocin - release by suckling breast, pressure on uterine cervix, bonding behaviors ( cuddling hormone"), orgasm (pos feedback), Cause milk letdown from lactating breast, uterine contraction (cid:314) pitocin (synthetic oxytocin to induce labor) Hormones: thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh or thyrotropin) - tropic, adrenocorticotropic hormone (acth or corticotropin) - tropic, growth hormone (gh) - trophic (cid:314) stimulates hypertrophy and hyperplasia. (cid:313) gh in adulthood = acromegaly: luteinizing hormone (lh) - tropic + trophic, follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh) - tropic + trophic, prolactin (prl) - trophic - release during pregnancy, sexual activity, ovulation, a fed state, many other. Leads to breast development, milk production, suppress sex hormone levels, many more. Hypersecretion: can"t lactate; hypersecrete: too much milk, less libido, infertility, abnormal male breast development.