CLASSICS 370 Study Guide - Deianira, Iphitos, Acrisius

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Insult because eurytus kicks him out of the house since he fell in love with iole. Murder of iphitus by a trick, different than apollodorus. Deianira (she tried to be rational about mistress situation, but gave in and used the poison potion) Hyllus (heracles" and deianira"s son; didn"t want to kill his dad but heracles made him) Herakles (manly man, anger problem, 12 generation descendant of io, becomes a god when he dies) Messenger (tries to help deianira by hiding the truth) Trachis (where they are living in exile sort of because heracles keeps killing people) Eurytus (city of oechalia) heracles attacks them after he"s done with omphale because he is pissed about being kicked out. Iole (heracles falls in love with her, sends her back to be his mistress) Heracles kills him- maybe an accident, depends on version) Omphale (the lydian woman) heracles is her slave for a year in penance for killing.