01:190:207 Study Guide - Final Guide: Oedipus Complex, Latinus, Clairvoyance

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10 Feb 2014

Document Summary

Heracles: (roman- hercules) son of alcmena and zeus. Alcmena: slept with zeus who was disguised as amphitryon. Amphitryon: alcemena"s husband who was on an expedition. Eurystheus: assigned heracles the twelve labors, became king instead of heracles, born early. Megara: first wife who was (or was not) killed along with her children by heracles (who was in a fit of madness caused by hera) Deianira: third wife who heracles had to fight over with river god achelous, was almost raped by. Nessus, was tricked into taking poisoned blood/semen, and poisoned heracles shirt (which led to his death) Nessus: a centaur that heracles paid to carry deianira across a river, attempted to rape her in the middle of the river, was shot by heracles, got revenge by giving deianira poisoned blood/semen claiming it was a love potion. Iole: caused deianira to be jealous because of her beauty. ), was wounded and abandoned on lemnos with.