SDS 306 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Security Number, Unimodality, Categorical Variable

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* always make sure to look for keys (if any) Ex. of population vs. sample -----> students at a school + students in a class pop= school sam=class. *when drawing a table/figure always title, label, and when reading it, find the context (5 w"s + h) Data: observations such as test scores, grades in math class, or response times. Variable: something that can vary and take on different values. Quantative: a type of variable where the values are numerical measurements with units. Categorical: a type of variable where the values designate different categories. Distribution: the set of all scores of a particular variable. Case: an individual about whom we have data. Population: all the possible subjects or cases from a population of interest. Coding: assigning a value of data to show which category it belongs to. Sample: selection of cases from a population of interest. Identifier : uniquely identify a case (ex. social security number, uteid)