HDF 313 Study Guide - Final Guide: Meta-Analysis, Interpersonal Attraction, Human Sexual Activity

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Things we DON’T need to know for the final:
Know the studies:
Is the longitudinal study (take place over the course of about a month) and daily diaries
(summary at the end of the day for 1-3 weeks) assessment the same one? YEAH I
Fundamental assumption about interpersonal attraction:
● We are attracted to people whose presence is Rewarding
to us.
● We like to be around people who make us feel good
What is meant by the term ‘rewards’ when talking about attraction?
● Feeling satisfaction
● Positive association
● Feeling good to us
a. What are the two broad categories of rewards?
Direct: the person gets reward.
o All the positive consequences we DIRECTLY receive from being
with someone.
o Most control over these
o Easy to manipulate
o Ex: Material gifts, attention, affection, sexual intimacy,
laughter/smiles, kissing
Indirect: Reward you are not aware you are getting (Implicit
o Positive things we get from subconscious (indirect) associations
o Things that connect people to us
o Ex: Similar names or birthdays--you like yourself and your
name, the good feelings transfer over
b. Be able to provide examples of each and be very familiar with the examples
of rewards mentioned in class.
● Direct: Affection, attention, material things (gifts), laughter, smile,
● Indirect: Similar names or birthdays
Misattribution of arousal:
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● Strong emotions relabeled  as attraction if an acceptable object is
● Strong emotions relabeled as attraction when person meeting your
minimum standards is present
● The environment/situation arouses you (indirectly), but you attribute
those feelings as being caused by the person
● Said person is thought to be more attractive because you think they
are *the cause of the arousal
● Arousal increases attraction even when we know the arousals source
(like the environment)
Romeo and Juliet Effect:
● When told that we can’t have something, we want it.
● There is no hard evidence to prove this
Closing Time Effect:
● Our opportunities to connect with others coming to close-- start liking more. Dots
and Bars: Lower standards, In relationship: Just as attractive, Single: More
attractive and want to hook-up.
● When an individual is in a situation where the access to certain partners
goes away, they find others more attractive than they otherwise would.
● So at a bar, you have high standards at the start of the night. As time goes
on there is a mad dash to find someone at the end of the night. You take
what you can get.
● You have two choices
o You can lower your standards, now there are more people above
the bar you set, so there are more opportunities of connecting. BUT
you don’t want to feel like you’re doing this; you don’t want to feel
like you have low standards. SO instead…
o You lift the attraction of everyone so they are above your bar. You
see everyone as more attractive than they are to meet your
● BUT if you are in a committed relationship, they do not change. OR you
see them as LESS attractive.
Longitudinal study
-“A Dyadic Analysis of Variety in Intimacy” daily diary assessments
■ Hypothesis: Expected daily increases in intimacy to be linked with
increased levels of relationship passion, including increased sexual
frequency and sexual satisfaction.
■ Measures: Variables
● Independent: intimacy
● Dependent: passion
● Dependent: sex and sexual satisfaction
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● Measured every day for 21 days
■ Results: Changes in intimacy led to positive results.
● increased sexual satisfaction, more passion, happier, less
disappointment during sex, and more fun during sex.
- intimacy that remains unchanged over time leads to decrease in a passionate
experience (less sexual satisfaction)
- trying new things keeps passion alive
○ Like a loaf of bread, relationships can go stale. Habituation (routines) is
the enemy of relationships.
“He likes me, he likes me not”:
Represents certainty vs uncertainty. 3 group of women randomly assigned to one of 3
groups: liked-best condition, average-liking condition and uncertain-liking condition.
Showed women Facebook profiles of men who they thought had already seen their
Women were put into 1 of 3 conditions:
1. Liked
: “these four men liked your profiles the best”
2. Average
: “these four men didn’t dislike you, but thought you were okay.”
3. Uncertain
“these men either liked your profiles the best or thought you
were okay.”
Women were then asked to rate the men on attractiveness.
Results: “comparisons to the first 2 conditions (liked best and average liking) were
consistent with the reciprocity principle: participants were more attracted to the men
who liked them a lot than to men who liked them an average amount.”
“Participants in the uncertain principle were consistent with the uncertainty
principle—women were more attracted to the men that they didn’t know how they felt
about them… even more than the men who said they liked them a lot.”
Women in the uncertainty principle said they thought about the men a lot more and
therefore, it made them like them more.
Changes in relationships satisfaction: Meta-analysis
-meta-analysis: statistical methods of combining many studies to identify the
most reliable assessment of what really happens
- 37 prospective cohort design studies of the transition to parenthood
- prospective- pre and post transition of marital equality?
- cohort- same group of people, followed them
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