BIO 311D Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Blood Type, Speciation, Vitamin D Deficiency

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Identical twins: fraternal twins, siblings, unrelated, alcoholism, rearing parents, biological parents, monozygotic, dizygotic, allele frequency/gene frequency/gametic frequency, hardy-weinberg equilibrium. Identical twins raised apart have less similar iqs than identical twins raised together, so environment plays a role in iq. But fraternal twins raised together have a less similar iqs than identical twins raised together, so genetics plays a role in iq as well. Fraternal twins have more similar iqs than siblings because they were born at the same time, so the specific environment can play a role in iq. Some traits, such as musical ability, athleticism, and others, can have higher heritability than other traits. Kids with alcoholic biological parents but sober rearing parents still end up alcoholic; heritability of alcoholism about 0. 5; considered strong. Monozygotic identical twins/one fertilization, dizygotic fraternal twins/two fertilizations. Monozygotic twins have higher concordance than dizygotic twins in many areas, such as diseases, criminality, cancer, etc.